4 Signs of Heart Attack You Should Pay Attention to
Aug 24, 2021
It is estimated that individual experiences a heart attack every 40 seconds. We all have a notion that a heart attack has to be very intense and obvious. But sometimes, the signs of a heart attack may not be that intense. This is why heart attacks are considered to be very dangerous.
According to a study, one out of five heart attacks are not noticeable. Because of this, the heart muscles suffer significant damage. This article lists out four important signs that you should pay strong attention to if you are experiencing it.
1. Pain, pressure, and heaviness in the chest:
If you see someone experiencing a heart attack, you can see them searching for ways to breathe comfortably. They may hold their chest before they become unconscious. Chest pain while having a heart attack may or may not be painful. In some individuals, it could be significant while in others, it could be very silent.
One thing is for sure, that during a heart attack, the patient may suffer squeezing of the chest or a lot of pressure during it. The heart attack pain may appear in the middle of the chest. It may last for long or may vanish in a couple of seconds. The pain indicates a blockage in the veins. These things should be immediately communicated to the doctor.
2. Experiencing discomfort in the arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach:
While having a heart attack, the pain generally radiates to other parts of the body including the chest. You may experience uneasiness in your arms, back, jaws, neck, and stomach. It is not necessary that everyone goes through similar symptoms.
But there are certain full-body symptoms to look for, which may indicate a heart attack:
- Experiencing lightheadedness
- Pain in jaw, neck, or back.
- Pain or discomfort in the arms, shoulders
- Difficulty in breathing
- Nausea or sometimes, even vomiting.
If you feel discomfort similar to the above-mentioned symptoms, don’t hesitate to discuss it with your doctor.
3. Shortness while breathing, having nausea, and being lightheaded:
Running out of breath can happen with or without chest pain in a heart attack. In women, these things may happen before or after experiencing a heart attack.
But research says that shortness of breath is the most commonly reported symptom with women suffering a heart attack.
4. Experiencing cold sweat:
When you find yourself breaking out in a cold sweat, then you should be wary of that. Your heart works hard to pump blood through the blocked arteries and veins. To maintain the body temperature, you start sweating.
This is a sign of heart problems and you should consult your doctor immediately.
A heart attack can result in severe damage to your heart muscles. Therefore, the best way to avoid a heart attack is to keep the heart-healthy. Regular exercising and a healthy meal plan can help you avoid heart problems.
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