Everything You Need to Know About Dyspepsia
Sep 10, 2021
Eating out can sometimes disturb our digestive system. Also, some days the food remains undigested and you feel discomfort. This condition is called indigestion or dyspepsia in medical language.
A stomach that is upset is not generally a cause of problems. But, it can become a problem when an upset stomach is a frequent occurrence. It could be an underlying serious gastrointestinal problem. Let us find out what is it.
What is dyspepsia or indigestion?
An upset stomach is generally termed dyspepsia. Dyspepsia is a condition when you have a painful feeling or a burning sensation in your belly. It is also known as sour stomach. Depending on how healthy your gut is, it can happen once in a while or frequently.
With a lack of knowledge, people call indigestion heartburn which is incorrect. Heartburn is another problem that affects the area around your chest. Indigestion happens frequently. A study showed that about 25% of people in the US are found to have indigestion every year.
How to diagnose indigestion or dyspepsia?
When you consult a doctor, he will go through your medical records, recurring signs and symptoms along with your lifestyle. He may also check your eating habits. It is important to define the location of your discomfort. You should also inform your doctor about when you experience an upset stomach.
For instance, you have to define whether it happened before or after a meal? When does the discomfort worsen? In the morning or evening? Which foods do you think worsens the situation more?
Once you provide answers to the above-given questions, he will run a physical check. This includes an examination of your belly to see if you have any swelling or any tender areas. Sometimes, a medical practitioner also uses a stethoscope to listen to the sounds inside your belly.
He may also conduct other tests like:
- Blood work to check the functions of your liver, kidney, and thyroid.
- Testing your breath to see if you have H pylori.
- Imaging examinations to diagnose any blocks or problems with both the intestines. It may also include exams like X-ray, CT Scan, or upper endoscopy.
- Stool test to detect H. Pylori or the existence of bacteria.
Causes of indigestion:
There could be various reasons for indigestion. But some of the common reasons could be:
- Consumption of too much alcohol or caffeine.
- Eating huge quantities quickly.
- Consuming fatty, acidic, or food that is very spicy.
- Stress or anxiety could also trigger indigestion.
- Consuming medicines like aspirin on an empty stomach.
There could be a problem with your digestive tract which can also be a cause of digestion.
Symptoms of indigestion:
The constant presence of acidic taste in your mouth.
- Bloating
- Burning sensation in the upper area of the abdomen.
- Burps and gas
- Gurgling noise in your belly
- Nausea or vomiting.
There are various ways to prevent indigestion. For instance, you should avoid alcohol consumption, or eat a healthy diet. Also, you should be able to deal with stress and anxiety.
Dyspepsia, if not taken care of, may become a serious health problem. In the long run, you may have to discontinue the consumption of certain kinds of foods. To treat dyspepsia, you can try out some off-the-counter medicines. HnG online pharmacy in Zambia stocks a huge range of OTC medicines for treating dyspepsia. Also, they stock all the medicines that a medical practitioner may describe.
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