Two Basic Symptoms to Check for Early Phases of Acidity
Sep 17, 2021
Acidity is quite a common problem with people today. It becomes easy to handle if the acidity is in its early stage. Once it crosses a certain stage, you have to take care of your meal plans and dietary requirements to avoid heavy acidity.
From a study conducted in 2014, about 15-30% population suffers from acidity problems. It is important to check the symptoms in their early stage to define whether acidity could be a problem in the future. In this article, we will study the symptoms found before acidity becomes a permanent problem.
Symptoms to check for, in early stages of acidity:
Acidity generally begins with mild signs like rare reflux of food or a burning sensation in the middle of the chest, defined as heartburn. It could also come across as discomfort in the chest after you have had your meal.
If you have any such symptoms, it is essential to keep a track record of your eating habits. The absence of a track record can worsen the symptoms.
1. Reflux:
Our digestive system is lined up with cells that secrete digestive enzymes that are acidic in nature. This acid helps the body in the digestion of food. Sometimes, this acid tends to rise up to the level of the throat and sometimes to the mouth. You get a little bit of food along with it, sometimes. This phenomenon is called reflux. Reflux is an early symptom of acidity.
2. Heartburn:
Our esophagus has a point where the acid rises sometimes from the digestive system. It is generally behind the breastbone of your body. The rising acid causes a burning sensation in its pathway. This is called heartburn. Heartburn is another symptom after reflux that indicates a possibility of acidity in your body.
Ways to control acidity in early stages:
If you find the above symptoms in your regular routine, it is time to go back and check your eating habits. We have listed the following things that can help you alleviate the above-given symptoms:
1. Eat frequently in small portions:
Taking three meals with long breaks between them may irritate your digestion. In that case, consume food frequently in small portions.
2. Finish the meal 3 hours before bedtime:
When we lie down, the acid rises in the esophagus. This happens when you sleep immediately after consuming a meal. Therefore, finish the meal three hours prior to bedtime.
3. Avoid foods that cause the problems:
There are certain foods that may trigger or worsen the symptoms. Find out and list out those foods. Avoid them for a while and see if the symptoms disappear.
4. Deal with anxiety and stress:
Anxiety and stress can affect the way your body functions. It is necessary to keep your emotions and thoughts in check since they cause acidity symptoms.
5. Exercise regularly:
Moving your body can help you in so many ways, including acidity. It helps to keep the digestive system healthy.
6. Check with your doctor for your medications:
Certain medications may irritate your digestive system and cause acidity. Hence, always check with your doctor to see if any of the prescribed medicines causes acidity.
Acidity may come across as a minor problem but it is not. HnG online pharmacy has all the medicines for acidity that you need to alleviate the acidity symptoms. We stock off-the-counter medicines along with the medicines that doctors prescribe.
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